Britney Spears is a douchebag

Jan 19, 2006
Watch these videos and see really what a douchebag
Britney Spears is. Here is her Dateline Interview.
Jan 19, 2006
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AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
She is the definition of a crazy bitch. Amazing how a wholesome girl like her can turn into such a mental case with no morals at all. Has 2 kids with that fn scumbag?

I am sure daddy is real proud of you Brit.

Totally classless how she was chewing bubble gum during interview. Great role model Britney.

I would still bend her over a park bench though.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
hard to see how people could judge her so poorly.
she is with a child, has 4 million people following everything she does, 50 billion people lying about her life, but she should just be able to deal with it.

no morals? how do u figure that? u know her well im guessing. thats the problem with all these e-warriors we have here, they think they know people or can judge based on 0 knowledge.

chewing gum durring an interview? who cares? im sure u have been interviewed many times while pregnant, you know just how she feels and should be judging her. well done.

shes a 24 year old girl, let her be.

its always funny to come here and see people putting others down. sit your fat butt behind a pc and judge away mr perfect.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
hard to see how people could judge her so poorly.
she is with a child, has 4 million people following everything she does, 50 billion people lying about her life, but she should just be able to deal with it.

no morals? how do u figure that? u know her well im guessing. thats the problem with all these e-warriors we have here, they think they know people or can judge based on 0 knowledge.

chewing gum durring an interview? who cares? im sure u have been interviewed many times while pregnant, you know just how she feels and should be judging her. well done.

shes a 24 year old girl, let her be.

its always funny to come here and see people putting others down. sit your fat butt behind a pc and judge away mr perfect.


Dude, you need a chill pill. Maybe you didn't realize this but Buttface Spears CHOSE TO PURSUE A CAREER THAT SHE WOULD BE JUDGED BY BILLIONS OF PEOPLE! If she wanted privacy, then she would not do interviews explaining her skank self or go out and be seen in public, and yes, she has been out in clubs here in Vegas WHILE she is pregnant. She marries white trash (twice) and can't even take care of her own child. Why would you defend this shitbag?

The girl is pure filth and I feel sorry for her NOT AT ALL! She is famous for being able to dance and make videos. She can't sing, she can't act, she can't play piano (which I have seen her fake). It is sickening to me because I know people who have more talent in their little pinky (including Shirley Murdock) who don't get one billionth of the praise or celebrity or money that talentless skanks like Brittney Spears or Paris Hilton get.

Sorry, I cannot tolerate anyone defending this filth. She is a hypocrite to her fans (10 year old girls), and she is a poster child why Hollywood and the Music Industry has become an absolute joke.

And I guarantee she will make a comeback and we will have to spend another five years turning our heads away from the magazine rack at the check out counter because her airbrushed skank face will be adorning every friggin' rag....and for $2.99 you can find out how she gurgles K-Fed's or some other stupid wannabe's semen to improve her 2/3 octave vocal range.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
WC Bias said:
Dude, you need a chill pill. Maybe you didn't realize this but Buttface Spears CHOSE TO PURSUE A CAREER THAT SHE WOULD BE JUDGED BY BILLIONS OF PEOPLE! If she wanted privacy, then she would not do interviews explaining her skank self or go out and be seen in public, and yes, she has been out in clubs here in Vegas WHILE she is pregnant. She marries white trash (twice) and can't even take care of her own child. Why would you defend this shitbag?

The girl is pure filth and I feel sorry for her NOT AT ALL! She is famous for being able to dance and make videos. She can't sing, she can't act, she can't play piano (which I have seen her fake). It is sickening to me because I know people who have more talent in their little pinky (including Shirley Murdock) who don't get one billionth of the praise or celebrity or money that talentless skanks like Brittney Spears or Paris Hilton get.

Sorry, I cannot tolerate anyone defending this filth. She is a hypocrite to her fans (10 year old girls), and she is a poster child why Hollywood and the Music Industry has become an absolute joke.

And I guarantee she will make a comeback and we will have to spend another five years turning our heads away from the magazine rack at the check out counter because her airbrushed skank face will be adorning every friggin' rag....and for $2.99 you can find out how she gurgles K-Fed's or some other stupid wannabe's semen to improve her 2/3 octave vocal range.

a chill pill? again, someone making an assumption with zero knowledge of anything. i couldnt possibly be more relaxed now nor could i have been when i made that post. its stupid people, feel free to throw yourself in the group, that judge too quickly without knowing anything that i like to laugh at

buttface? sure you have beat your dick to her on more than on occasion, stud.
chose what? she followed her talent and did so from the age of like 7...u think she had everything planned from 7 on?

white trash? you know these people?

its her fault she knows how to sell? thats a terrible thing? she is advised from a young age and very successful with something and you put her down for it?

get some help and feel free to take one of those "chill pills" you are so fond of. i think its fairly obvious that you are the only one in need of such medication



New member
May 5, 2005
i'd do her. i'm a little jealous of matt lauer, having her boobs on his chin the whole interview, and not even taking a peek. he has tremendous will power, i'll tell ya!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
get some help and feel free to take one of those "chill pills" you are so fond of. i think its fairly obvious that you are the only one in need of such medication



Nice comeback. I can tell from the picture you have posted of yourself in the Avatar that you are a young guy. I feel for your generation, not you in particular mind you, but an entire generation of MTV and Nickleodion raised kids that spend billions of dollars on talentless people who are nothing more than a product on aisle 24 at K-mart. it's not necessarily their fault, the powers that be have taken celebrity to the lowest common denominator...if it looks good, or it dances good, or it poses right on the red carpet, or you can airbrush it, then we can have you lip sync and make a billion dollar industry out of it.

Do you know they have a red carpet at the entrance at Pure. Every saturday night some c-list celebrity gets a hero's welcome while they simply enter a club. It's comedy.

Brittney Spears is white trash (see interview above). She is not attractive (see picture below). No need to waste energy wacking to this filth, I've had way better, and my wife smokes her...

This is the fantasy...


This is reality


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
WC Bias said:
Nice comeback. I can tell from the picture you have posted of yourself in the Avatar that you are a young guy. I feel for your generation, not you in particular mind you, but an entire generation of MTV and Nickleodion raised kids that spend billions of dollars on talentless people who are nothing more than a product on aisle 24 at K-mart. it's not necessarily their fault, the powers that be have taken celebrity to the lowest common denominator...if it looks good, or it dances good, or it poses right on the red carpet, or you can airbrush it, then we can have you lip sync and make a billion dollar industry out of it.

Do you know they have a red carpet at the entrance at Pure. Every saturday night some c-list celebrity gets a hero's welcome while they simply enter a club. It's comedy.

Brittney Spears is white trash (see interview above). She is not attractive (see picture below). No need to waste energy wacking to this filth, I've had way better, and my wife smokes her...


i dont watch mtv, so im not certain of what all you see there. I watch sports, movies, and some comedies.
i dont think a single interview with any pregnant woman is much to judge someone on. im guessing she is feeling things and has hormones going thru her body that not many here can understand.

fact is she is very successful with what she set out to do. seems ok to me. I dont know her, i cant call her trash. I dont like her, i dont dislike her.
Also, i am not of the fortunate people that are able to call someone trash based on a bad photo or someone simply not being attractive. many people think she is beautiful, some do not. she has some acne on her chin in that pic, wow.

if we could all be as studly as you are and fuck models thru our youth, as you have, this would be a better place im sure.



to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
wc, lets not forget the white trash she is married to. you seem to know him very well. you must work for access hollywood.

you have the inside scoop and the photos to prove your points.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
i dont watch mtv, so im not certain of what all you see there. I watch sports, movies, and some comedies.
i dont think a single interview with any pregnant woman is much to judge someone on. im guessing she is feeling things and has hormones going thru her body that not many here can understand.

fact is she is very successful with what she set out to do. seems ok to me. I dont know her, i cant call her trash. I dont like her, i dont dislike her.
Also, i am not of the fortunate people that are able to call someone trash based on a bad photo or someone simply not being attractive. many people think she is beautiful, some do not. she has some acne on her chin in that pic, wow.

if we could all be as studly as you are and fuck models thru our youth, as you have, this would be a better place im sure.



If this is all you know about this girl in the six+ years she has been force fed down the general public's throat, then you probably shouldn't be opining since its clearly something you are ignorant about.

She doesn't have to thrust herself in the public eye, she chooses to do so. Ergo, she is a public figure by her choice and with the good publicity comes the bad publicity. If she's having raging harmones, maybe it's not a good idea to seek public exposure on one of the most televised TV shows in America.

All you need to know about Ms. Spears can be summed up in two words...

Popozao forever,

New member
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
wc, lets not forget the white trash she is married to. you seem to know him very well. you must work for access hollywood.

you have the inside scoop and the photos to prove your points.


nope, all you got to do is do a google image search for Spears Pimples or Spears Fat or Spears Skank and reality slaps you in the face.

Now, get back to being a backstreet boy and your blog


LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
I know one thing...this girl is (and always has been) very unattractive in person.

The touch ups they do to her photos is amazing.

Here stylists/make up people basically perform plastic surgery anytime she performs.
Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
I know one thing...this girl is (and always has been) very unattractive in person.

I can confirm this as well. I saw her at the Beverly Center about
4 years ago and she had ALOT of makeup on and you could
still tell she had bad skin. Her body looked hot though!!!

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
WC Bias said:
If this is all you know about this girl in the six+ years she has been force fed down the general public's throat, then you probably shouldn't be opining since its clearly something you are ignorant about.

She doesn't have to thrust herself in the public eye, she chooses to do so. Ergo, she is a public figure by her choice and with the good publicity comes the bad publicity. If she's having raging harmones, maybe it's not a good idea to seek public exposure on one of the most televised TV shows in America.

All you need to know about Ms. Spears can be summed up in two words...

Popozao forever,

im not sure if its an insult for you to call me "ignorant" about Brittany spears.

ummm....she was the #1 selling artist for a period of years i believe, thats not a bad thing i wouldnt think. she is good at what she does. so bash her, way to be insecure

perhaps you are even slower than i originally thought...if she has all these hormones going thru her it is LESS likely she is thinking clearly, so your point about the interview is slightly stupid. is it not?

all i need to know about her is that you know nothing about her.

nope, all you got to do is do a google image search for Spears Pimples or Spears Fat or Spears Skank

that speaks wonders about the life you have. time well spent

any other 24 year old millionaires that you are smarter than, better looking than, and better than?


She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
Talented, no doubt.

But, over rated.

Sol II

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